How To Remove Fabric Glue From Clothes – 7 Easy Ways

The items you have at home can be used to protect your clothes from unintentional spills. Removing fabric glue from clothes is an economical and eco-friendly solution. Whether you are at home, at work, or at school, glue is a widely used product that allows us to create crafts, repair broken items and carry out sewing projects. However, it is not uncommon for stains to remain on your clothes.

Fortunately, there are several simple and effective methods for removing glue from the fabric, despite the myth that this is impossible after it hardens. In this article, I will tell you how to remove fabric glue from clothes in simple and effective ways.

How to remove fabric glue from clothes

7 ways how to remove fabric glue from clothes

When trying to detach the glue from the fabric, it is important to consider the type of glue and the nature of the fabric to determine the most effective method. Several methods require minimal effort, time, and cost.

Methode 1. Salt with lemon

A highly effective method of removing fabric glue from clothing is the use of a combination of salt and lemon juice. Simply apply lemon juice to the glue stain and let the lemon juice soak into the fabric glue before adding a small amount of salt. After 15 minutes, wash the clothes by hand or in the washing machine, and the stain should be completely removed.

Lemon juice is a versatile household item that can be used for various cleaning purposes, including removing glue stains on fabric.

Salt with Lemon

Methode 2. Vinegar

White vinegar is a universal cleaning agent that can be used to remove various stains, including glue. To remove glue from fabric with vinegar, take warm water and add a small amount of vinegar. Then moisten a clean cloth in the solution and wipe the affected area with it. You will be amazed at how easily the fabric glue is washed off using this method!

Methode 3. Acetone or Nail polish remover

The acetone method of action is an effective way how to remove fabric glue from clothes. First, apply hot water to the affected area so that the glue begins to absorb. Moisten a cotton ball with acetone or nail polish remover and gently rub it into the glue stain, leaving it for a few minutes. Then use a toothbrush to remove the adhesive residue.

It is important to note that acetone may not be suitable for delicate fabrics, so it is recommended to test the solution on a small, inconspicuous area before applying it to the entire stain. If any discoloration or damage occurs, discontinue use.

For those needing additional help, adding two tablespoons of vinegar to 100-150 ml of warm water can help remove stains. Alternatively, using a nail file or sandpaper to gently remove the glue from the fabric can also be effective. After that, apply a small amount of liquid laundry detergent or pre-wash stain remover to the affected area before washing, let it infuse, and wash as usual.

Methode 4. The cold of the freezer

Believe it or not, putting clothes in the freezer can be an effective way how to remove fabric glue from clothes. The low temperature causes the glue to harden, which makes it easier to remove the stain.


To use this method, simply place the damaged clothes in the freezer for a few hours until the glue hardens. As soon as the glue hardens, remove the clothes from the freezer and gently scrape off the glue with a dull knife or spoon. You will be surprised at how easily the glue peels off! This may seem like an unusual method, but it is a simple and effective way to remove fabric glue without damaging the fabric.

Methode 5. The heat of an iron

Did you know how to remove fabric glue from clothes with an iron? It’s true! In just a few simple steps, you can use the heat of the iron to remove stubborn glue stains from your clothes. First, place a paper towel on the affected area of the stain. Preheat the iron to a high temperature and slowly run it over a paper towel. The heat from the iron will cause the glue to melt and stick to the paper towel, effectively removing the stain.


This method is quick and simple and can be a lifesaver when you need to remove a glue stain in a hurry. Just be careful when handling a hot iron and always test this method first on a small, inconspicuous area of the fabric to make sure it won’t cause any damage.

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Methode 6. Chemical cleaners

If you are looking for a quick and effective way to remove fabric glue from clothes, chemical cleaners can be an excellent option. There are many different products available on the market that contain powerful solvents designed to dissolve persistent stains.

chemical cleaners2

When buying a chemical cleaner, it is important to consult with qualified sellers who will help you choose the most suitable product for your needs. In addition, be sure to read the label carefully to make sure that the use of a cleaning agent for your specific type of fabric is safe.

To use a chemical cleaner, simply spray it on the affected area, leave it for a few minutes to do its job, then gently wipe the stain with a rag or sponge. Finally, rinse the area thoroughly with soap and plenty of water to remove any remaining residue. Although chemical cleaners can be very effective, it is important to use them with caution and always follow the manufacturer’s instructions carefully to avoid damaging your clothes.

Method 7. Baking soda

How to remove fabric glue from clothes with baking soda? Easily! Baking soda is a versatile household item that can be used for various cleaning tasks, such as removing glue from fabric. If you accidentally spill fabric glue on your clothes, don’t worry – with a bit of soda and some effort, you can quickly eliminate the stain.

Baking soda2

To use soda to remove glue from clothes, start by scraping off excess glue with a dull knife or spoon. Then mix a small amount of baking soda with water to make a paste. Apply the paste to the affected area and use a soft brush to gently scrape off the stain. Make sure you rub the paste into the fabric fibers to absorb it into the glue.

After cleaning, let this paste infuse on the stain for a few minutes so that it can work its magic. Then moisten the cloth with cold water to remove any remaining paste and glue. If the stain is particularly persistent, you can repeat the same process several times to completely remove it.

Once the stain is gone, wash your clothes as usual to remove the soda residue. You can also add a cup of white vinegar to the washing cycle to eliminate any persistent odors. In general, using baking soda to remove fabric glue is a simple and effective solution that can save you from having to throw away your favorite clothes.

How to remove fabric glue from black clothes

Removing adhesive stains from black clothing can be a little more difficult, as the stain is often more noticeable. However, there are several methods that you can try to remove the stain effectively. One of the effective methods is to combine some of the recommendations that we have given.

black clothes

Step 1

Place the damaged clothes in the freezer for half an hour to allow the glue to harden.

Step 2

Apply hydrogen peroxide to the area with the stain and rub lightly for a short time.

Step 3

Wash your clothes using vinegar and heavy-duty laundry detergent.

Step 4

Dry your clothes. If the stain persists after these actions, you can try using a chemical solvent or washing clothes with soap and rinsing them with hot water.

How to remove sticker residue from leather

To remove the sticker residue from the leather without causing damage, you will need a hair dryer, a leather cleanser, and a bamboo fiber towel.

leather clothes

The best way to remove sticker residue without damaging the skin is to heat it slightly with a hair dryer to melt the glue from the back of the label itself.

Step 1

Just gently heat the sticker label.

Step 2

Then tear off the corner of the sticky label and just roll it up to make sure you haven’t damaged anything.

Step 3

Continue to heat it slightly with a hairdryer and start gently removing the sticky label.

Step 4

The next thing to do, if there are still any residues left on it, is apply a small amount of cleaning agent to the cloth and gently wipe the surface in such a way as to remove the glue residue.

Heat is released to melt the glue residues, while no glue residues remain and the dye is not removed. Here’s how you can safely remove sticky labels.

How to remove fabric glue from suede fabric

To remove fabric glue from suede fabric, you will need a general-purpose glue remover, paper towels, and a suede brush.

suede fabric2

Step 1

The first thing you want to do is spray the cleaner onto a paper towel and gently rub the glue remover into the place you want to clean until the glue starts to dissolve.

Step 2

Then take a brush and start cleaning the fabric from the glue in a circular motion.

Step 3

After you remove all the glue, brush a few more times and leave the suede fabric to dry.

How to remove glitter glue from fabric

Glitter glue is a unique type of glue that is often used in decorative and applied art projects. It’s a combination of white glue and shiny particles that gives it a shiny look. Unlike ordinary white glue, glitter glue contains additives that make it difficult to remove it from the fabric.

glitter glue2

If you accidentally get glitter glue on your clothes or other fabric items, there are several ways to remove it.

Method 1. Stain remover

One option is to use a commercial stain remover specially designed to remove glue stains. These products can be found in most grocery stores or online retail stores. Just follow the instructions on the label to apply the stain remover and wash the fabric as usual.

Method 2. Natural solution

An alternative way to remove the shiny glue from the fabric is to prepare a solution of white vinegar and water in equal parts. Apply the solution to the affected area and leave for a few minutes so that the glue is absorbed. After that, gently wipe this area with a soft bristle brush, taking care not to damage the fabric. This method can help break down the glue and make it easier to remove. As soon as you finish cleaning, rinse the cloth with cold water to remove any remaining glue and vinegar solution.

If the glue is already dry, you can try to scrape it off with a dull knife or spoon. Be careful not to damage the fabric during the operation. You can also try soaking the cloth in cold water for a few hours to loosen the glue before trying to scrape it off.

In general, removing the shiny glue from fabric can be a difficult task, but with the right approach and a little patience, you can get rid of the stain and return your fabric to its original state.

How to remove hot glue from fabric

hot glue2

The most effective way to remove hot glue from clothes is to perform the reverse process of how it got on clothes. When the hot glue melts, it can be removed from the material without any problems. To do this, you need to warm up the stain from the hot glue.

Step 1

Spread the cloth on the ironing board. Place the soiled object on top so that the stain is facing up. Cover the stain with a clean cotton material.

Step 2

Heat the stain with an iron heated to a low temperature. The hot glue will melt and soak into the cotton material. To prevent the glue from sticking to the base of the iron, move the contaminated area to a clean place on the cotton material every 10-15 seconds.

Repeating these steps, you should remove the stain from the hot glue from the clothes.

How to remove super glue from fabric

Removing super glue stains from clothing can be an unpleasant and difficult task since the glue is designed to adhere to surfaces firmly and can often cause damage to the fabric. However, with the right home remedies, you can remove super glue from clothes, fabric, and jeans without causing any harm to the fabric.

super glue2

To remove super glue from clothes, you will need toothpaste, baking soda, liquid dishwashing detergent, heavy-duty laundry detergent, a toothbrush, and white vinegar.

Step 1

Apply a large amount of toothpaste to the stain.

Step 2

Sprinkle the toothpaste with half a small spoonful of baking soda.

Step 3

Apply liquid dishwashing detergent over the baking soda.

Step 4

Sprinkle half a small spoonful of heavy-duty laundry detergent on top.

Step 5

In a circular motion, rub the resulting mixture with a toothbrush into the damaged area for 15 minutes.

Step 6

Remove the applied mixture from the clothes with a clean cloth.

Step 7

Moisten the treated area liberally with vinegar.

Step 8

Using a toothbrush, rub the vinegar into the stain until the glue is completely removed.

Step 9

Wash your clothes

After repeating these steps, the super glue stain should be removed from the clothes.

Some Final Words

In conclusion, it should be said that removing glue from fabric can be a difficult task, but with the right approach, it is possible. It is important to act quickly, determine the type of glue, first test a small area, use a suitable solvent, and gently wipe and wash the fabric after removing the glue. Following these tips, you will be able to effectively remove traces of glue from your clothes and return them to their original condition.


Can you wash fabric glue out of clothes?

Yes, if the fabric glue is temporary, it can usually be washed off the clothes with water or washed the fabric. However, if the fabric glue is permanent, it may be more challenging to wash off, and special methods or means may be required to remove it.

What will dissolve fabric glue?

Acetone, rubbing alcohol, vinegar, and hot water can dissolve the fabric glue. However, different types of fabric glue may require other removal methods.

Can vinegar remove glue from clothes?

Yes, vinegar can be used to remove some types of glue from clothing by wetting the affected area in a mixture of equal parts vinegar and water for 15-30 minutes, then gently scrape off the glue with a thin brush or clean cloth.

Is fabric glue permanent?

The permanence of the fabric glue depends on the type of glue used and the fabric on which it is applied. Some fabric adhesives are permanent, while others are temporary and can be easily removed.

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